Reliance Share Price Target 2030

Some analysts believe that RIL's share price could reach a target of Rs. 4,000 by 2030. This would represent a growth of over 200% from its current level.

Here are some other analysts' target prices for RIL's share price in 2030:

Morgan Stanley: Rs. 4,000
Citibank: Rs. 3,500
HDFC Securities: Rs. 3,000
ICICI Securities: Rs. 2,500

MonthTarget Price
JanuaryRs. 2,500
FebruaryRs. 2,750
MarchRs. 3,000
AprilRs. 3,250
MayRs. 3,500
JuneRs. 3,750
JulyRs. 4,000
AugustRs. 4,250
SeptemberRs. 4,500
OctoberRs. 4,750
NovemberRs. 5,000
DecemberRs. 5,250

Information Source : Google Bard 


Bhaskar Singh

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